1. My mother lives with schizophrenia. A lot of people have no understanding of it, so it's hard to talk about it with people. It really takes a toll on the family.
2. I've lived in
3. I usually have phrases or words that I say in temporary phases. I used to say "You Lose" and "Mofo" a lot. Currently, I'm saying "WAT" a lot.
4. I grew up into Christianity through my childhood and adolescence. My current belief is agnostic, but sometimes I feel guilty about it. Overall, I think religion is a positive thing. Except for those crazies who try to shove it down your throat.
5. Throughout grade school, I rarely ever cursed. Never smoked. Never drank. Never did drugs. I was strict about not having sex before marriage. Looking back, I understand why I was so socially unaccepted.
6. I try to be organized in everything that I do. When things are planned, everything seems to falls into place better for me.
7. I used to LOVE video games. I wish I had the same love for it as I did when I was a child. In middle school, I once said that I wanted to be the president of Nintendo. I still love video games, but wish I loved it more.
8. I want to learn just about anything and everything that I feel that I can put to use. With this, it's usually hard for me to focus on one thing and becoming a master at it. I tend to learn enough about things just to get me by.
9. I am an electronic gadget freak. Cameras, camcorders, cell phones, laptops, tablets, media players, etc. I switch my electronics out pretty often. If there is a fast multitasking device with good battery life, I probably want it. Next on my list is the 64GB iPod Touch (unless the Zune HD makes a 64GB).
10. I don't really have a "best friend". I used to in grade school. As we grew up, our interests were not compatible and we pretty much went our separate ways.
11. I've always been shy. Some people think I can talk to anybody, which is absolutely not true. Depending on whom it is, if I see someone I recognize, I'll try to keep from being seen to avoid small talk. I get a bit anxious with small talk.
12. I hardly ever initiate communication unless I am interested in you, need your knowledge, or have a question. This means I don’t really call people to hang out, IM people to chat, text people to say hi, etc. I think my childhood set me that way in that I didn’t hang out with too many people outside of school so I really had no one to call. Don’t take this offensively please. If you ever want to talk with me, feel free.
13. I love singing and dancing. I LOVE Karaoke as most of you already know. I’m pretty comfortable with my singing voice, but only on specific songs. I almost always have a song stuck in my head. Randomly, I’ll walk on rhythm with the music in my head. When I’m in an elevator, I’ll sometimes bust out into a dance and I’ll stop right before the door opens.
14. I love to play sports. I played intramural baseball from 1989 to 1996. I also played high school football in 10th and 12th grade as a runningback. I want to play more sports, but it seems the friends I have nearby are not interested in doing so.
15. I rarely let my depression show to anyone. People view me as a strong person and I liked to be viewed in that respect. At the same time, I don’t stay down in the dumps for long. I tell myself that I don’t have time to be down about anything. There are too many things to do and not enough time in life to waste on dwelling.
16. I LOVE puns and corny jokes. I LOVE jokes that people take a few seconds to understand. For example… *ahem* “NEXT TIME MY NECK IS DIRTY, IMMA USE KLEENEX”…GET IT? (If you didn’t laugh, U GAY GO WAY)
17. I’ve never been attracted to girls with dark skin. No offense. It’s just not a preference for me. This doesn’t mean I’ll never date a dark-skinned girl, but chances are pretty low.
18. I’ve come to the conclusion that a girl has to be somewhat dorky for me to be interested in them.
19. I don’t take medicine, ibuprofen, aspirin, etc unless I absolutely have no other choice.
20. I’ve never dealt with the death of a close friend or family member. With this, I have a small fear of how I will react when this happens regardless of whether it would be a breakdown or feeling absolutely nothing.
21. I’m a lightweight drunk. I like it. It’s cheaper that way.
22. I have never broken a bone in my body. (knocks wood)
23. I absolutely HATE being wrong about things. A lot of my friends know that, so I believe some of them push me until they drive me over the edge. In fact, this causes me problems in relationships, definitely. Talk about arguing over something so dumb! It’s probably because of this. I’ve been getting a little better about it.
24. One of my hidden talents as a kid was the ability to fold my ears and make them stick. I just tried it. I can still do it for a small amount of time.
26. (BONUS!) Even though I rarely give thanks, I appreciate my friends and family! Thank you all for being there! :D
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